Transforming data into actionable information and workflows

Eric Weijers
February 10, 2025

Transforming data into actionable information and workflows: Where to start?

Chances are, you've invested a lot in digitizing your assets over the past few years. And that has generated a wealth of valuable data. In fact, you might be drowning in data from ERP, PLM, and MES systems, ticketing platforms, and IoT sensors. All essential, but also a source of noise.

A common question we hear is: How do I get a grip on all this data? More importantly, how do I get value from my investment in digital assets? In this use case, we’ll show you how to turn raw data into insights and workflows.

Data is not the same as information

Let’s start with the key takeaway: data on its own is not information. A pile of data has potential, but it doesn’t immediately tell you what it means or what actions you need to take.

For example, a machine might send a temperature reading. But that only becomes useful if you know whether the temperature is too high, too low, or within a safe range, and whether you need to take action.

Most of the time, data is analyzed only after something has already happened. That’s time-consuming, and if something goes wrong, it’s often too late to act. Anticipation and foresight become difficult this way.

The solution? Make your data work for you by turning it into clear, actionable insights.

From data to workflow

A great example of using actionable data effectively is this project where we built an application on top of Netilion.

Netilion is an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) ecosystem developed by Endress+Hauser. Used in industries where liquid measurements are critical, like industrial water purification or brewing beer.

For brewing, every parameter needs to be just right. Continuous monitoring is essential. The enduser uses a laser to measure pressure in liquid tanks. This data is stored in a cloud-based IIoT system, creating a data lake, a centralized digital storage space for all collected data.

However, manually analyzing this data takes time, and problems can go unnoticed. What if a laser sensor registers a pressure outside the set parameters? Will you catch it in time, or will an entire batch of beer be wasted due to a critical error?

Industry 4.0 is more than just digitalizing your assets. Smart digitalization means making data work for you.

To solve this, we connected a low-code platform to the Netilion IIoT system. This Mendix-built application extracts data from the lake and starts analyzing it.

  • The app automatically draws conclusions based on critical parameters and triggers.
  • It then links actions to these conclusions, turning data into meaningful workflows.

For example, if a cooling system isn’t performing optimally, you won’t just get an alert, you’ll automatically generate a ticket for an engineer in your existing ticketing system.

Or, if a maintenance engineer wants to check the stability of a production line before starting a batch, they can trigger a self-test or ‘Heartbeat’ check via the platform. They then receive an instant report on the health of their machines.

This kind of proactive data automation doesn’t just reduce workload, it also minimizes errors in production.

The value of Low-Code for Industry 4.0

By now, it should be clear: low-code takes your data to the next level, and quickly delivers value.

Manufacturing processes evolve rapidly due to new regulations, technologies, workforce growth, and strategic shifts. To stay agile, your software must be adaptable.

With low-code, you can quickly build and modify dashboards, parameters, and processes to match changing needs.

That’s exactly what we do for manufacturing, logistics, government organizations, and even banks. Low-code allows companies to rapidly develop applications that digitalize and optimize core business processes.

It’s an ideal way to build workflows on top of ERP, AMS, PLM, or other core systems. And because low-code is easily adaptable, you can quickly respond to market changes and new business needs.

Low-code applications deliver value very fast. You buiild workflows in no time and adjust them whenever necessary.

There’s a lot that’s possible. Bring us your challenge, and we’ll dive into your business processes to identify bottlenecks and build an innovative solution.
The goal? Transform the data from your digital assets into actionable insights that drive smart workflows.

Getting started: unlock value from your digital assets

Want to make your data work for you? Here are a few practical tips:

✔ Start small. Focus on the most critical parameters.
✔ Make data actionable. Use triggers and workflows.
Less is more. The manufacturing industry has countless machines and connected services. Don’t overwhelm teams with unnecessary data—provide only what they need to
     make informed decisions.
✔ Use low-code. This way, you can quickly unlock value from your data and stay agile in a changing landscape.

Curious how low-code can drive Industry 4.0 for your business? Contact us!
We’re happy to explore innovative solutions tailored to your needs.

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