Blue Green Solutions - Lucas van Oosten & Lennart Minnema join the Blue Green Family

Eric Weijers
November 17, 2023

We are beyond excited to announce that Lucas van Oosten and Lennart Minnema have recently joined the Blue Green Family - further strengthening our Mendix Development team!

Lucas van Oosten

Lucas van Oosten -  after he graduated in mechanical engineering - he wasted no time to dive into the professional world. Originally from Maasland (near Rotterdam), Lucas brings unmistakable enthusiasm and fresh perspectives to our team. 

Besides Mendix Advanced Certified he is also a certified Scrum Master. Lucas is for sure somebody who likes to be challenged. From start on he worked on several international projects. We’re thrilled to see how he will contribute to our ongoing and future projects.

"Being a part of Blue Green Solutions feels like being a part of a family. Together, we're committed to making a meaningful impact on people's lives."

Lennart Minnema

Lennart Minnema, hails from the bustling city of Amsterdam and comes with an impressive 15 years of experience in the financial sector. Having worked mainly with multinationals, Lennart felt his work lacked impact. But at Blue Green Solutions it feels like he can add value on a daily basis. 

"Every day at Blue Green Solutions is an opportunity to add real value. I'm excited to leverage my experience to help take the company to new heights.”

Lennart is also both Mendix Advanced Certified and certified Scrum Master. This combined with his knowledge of and experience in the financial sector makes him very valuable for us.

Looking Ahead

With Lucas and Lennart now part of our Mendix Development team, we're more excited than ever about the future. Their unique skills and experiences will undoubtedly enrich our team and help us achieve new milestones.

P.s. Our team is expanding! 🚀 Will you be our new colleague? Check our vacancy page:

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