Blue Green Solutions teams up with Fawaka to help kids become the tech leaders of tomorrow

Leon de Kuiper
April 4, 2024

Imagine an 11-year-old child creating a robot that can solve sustainability issues around the world. Sounds amazing, right? Well, it might not be as impossible as it sounds… Teaming up with Fawaka Ondernemersschool, we've embarked on a journey to teach kids from groups 6 and 7 in Amsterdam how to develop their own eco-friendly applications using low-code technology, making a significant impact on societal issues. Intrigued? Read on to learn more!

Robo-entrepeneurs of the future

Fawaka Ondernemersschool, founded by Thiëmo Heilbron, is a social enterprise that offers educational activities and workshops on social and sustainable entrepreneurship for children. Playfully and positively, they educate young minds on topics such as sustainable fashion, fair trade products, and tech entrepreneurship. It's no surprise that our expertise as IT specialists comes in handy, especially in the realm of technology.

We've had the privilege of assisting Fawaka with their 'Robo-Entrepreneurship Program,' where children embark on environmentally-conscious tech projects, aiming to create robots that tackle real-world problems.

Together, we provided low-code programming lessons to eager students in groups 6 and 7 (ages 10-11) in the Transvaal neighborhood of Amsterdam. Through this collaboration, our goal is to spark a passion for low-code and programming in these young entrepreneurial minds, propelling them toward becoming the tech leaders of tomorrow! ;-)

“We love to ignite young minds to make a positive difference in our world by the use of technology and low-code”
- Leon Kuijper, founder of Blue Green Solutions

Low-code for good

"At Fawaka, we firmly believe that every child deserves an opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their neighborhood, background, or learning style. However, we recognize that achieving this mission alone is challenging. With the support of organizations like Blue Green Solutions, we find it easier to tailor our programs to fit within schools' budgets," says Thiëmo Heilbron, founder of Fawaka Ondernemersschool.

This partnership underscores our commitment to making a social impact and empowering education with low-code. It's uplifting to feel the magic happening when creative minds, tech skills, and a shared goal of societal change come together. We take pride in being part of this meaningful collaboration and are excited to see how it evolves and the positive changes we can achieve together. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting partnership!

Do you strive to make a social impact and need technical expertise to take your initiatives to the next level? Don't hold back—let us know!

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